Monthly Archives: August 2024

Do we have to get permission to run a background check?

Yes. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires you to get permission from an applicant or employee before conducting a background check. It also has specific notice requirements, such as providing the applicant or employee a summary of their FCRA rights and the appropriate adverse action letters if you decide not to hire them or terminate their [...]

August 24th, 2024|Uncategorized|

When can we deduct from an exempt employee’s pay?

Deductions from pay are permissible for any workweek in which the employee performs no work, including answering emails, texts, or phone calls. Deductions are allowed for required withholding and benefits, such as retirement plans. Other reasons you can deduct pay from an exempt employee: For absences for one or more full days for personal reasons [...]

August 10th, 2024|Uncategorized|