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So far Judy Wolff has created 167 blog entries.

Help wanted? Know about the work opportunity tax credit

Help wanted? Businesses that are hiring should know about the work opportunity tax credit Businesses hanging up their Help Wanted signs should be sure to check out the work opportunity tax credit. This credit encourages employers to hire workers certified as members of any of ten targeted groups facing barriers to employment. The credit has [...]

December 2nd, 2022|hiring|

New onboarding product

PayPlus is pleased to announce the launch of a new Employee Workforce Management product that will make your life as a business owner so much easier. Eliminate onboarding paperwork for new employees. Employees enter their details themselves (everything on the New Hire form!), plus I-9, W4, etc. and their information is automatically loaded into the payroll [...]

November 14th, 2022|hiring, New hire|

Independent contractor or employee? Know the difference

IRS Tax Tip 2022-117, August 2, 2022 A business might pay an independent contractor and an employee for the same or similar work, but there are key legal differences between the two. It is critical for business owners to correctly determine whether the people providing services are employees or independent contractors. Here's some information to [...]

September 30th, 2022|Independent Contractor|

Do you offer “free training” with conditions attached?

PetSmart promises “free paid training” for dog groomers, but employees are stuck with $5,000 in debt unless they stay with the company two years, a California lawsuit alleges. This practice violates a core tenet of labor and employment law that the employer pay for the cost of doing business, according to Rachel Dempsey of Towards [...]

September 23rd, 2022|Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)|

Dunkin’ Do-nots labor practices

Dunkin' Donuts franchises have been cited several times over the years for violations of labor laws. If you run a business that hires hourly shift workers or minors, pay particular attention so that you don't run afoul of these laws yourself. Here's a summary of the violations: Wage theft in 2016: for changing employees' time [...]

Aspiring entrepreneurs learn the basics of setting up a business

Aspiring entrepreneurs: learn the basics of setting up a business IRS Tax Tip 2022-128, August 22, 2022 New entrepreneurs can start out on the right foot by making sure they understand the tax responsibilities of running a business. The process can seem daunting, but IRS.gov has resources to help new business owners. Here are a [...]

September 9th, 2022|Uncategorized|

“I was scared they would fire me.” Worker says she was scheduled to work 7-hour shift with no break

A worker claims she was scheduled to work a 7-hour shift with no break: https://buff.ly/3b7qKxd The article doesn't mention what state this employee works in so whether the employer broke the law is unclear. While the FLSA does not mandate a work break, state laws often do. New Hampshire and Massachusetts limit the number of [...]

Company fails to do background check, liable for $7 billion in damages

A cable company in Texas was ordered to pay more than $7 billion in damages to the family of an 83-year-old woman murdered by an employee, an installer, who was not on duty at the time. The cable company was found to be grossly negligent because during the hiring process it ignored several red flags [...]

August 18th, 2022|hiring|

Do you know the laws for paying final wages to workers who resign or are fired?

If you terminate an employee, or if an employee quits, do you know the laws regarding their final pay? These laws, which vary by state, cover: When workers must be paid. This can depend on whether the separation from employment is voluntary or involuntary, final or temporary, and sometimes even the type or work or [...]

August 8th, 2022|compensation|

Mobile app for on-the-go timekeeping

We offer a wide assortment of timekeeping solutions: time clocks, web clocks, biometric clocks, voice clocks, and more. But the solution that has our clients buzzing with enthusiasm is our mobile app for Apple and Android users, for companies who track time with TimeWorksPlus. The TimeWorks Plus Mobile app lets employees report hours on-the-go from [...]

July 29th, 2022|Timekeeping|