
26 05, 2022

Penalties for FLSA violations increase in 2022

May 26th, 2022|Department of Labor, labor regulations, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), FMLA|

The cost of everything seems to be going up--and that includes fines for violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The Department of Labor announced its latest penalty amounts in the Federal Register on January 14, 2022. Here's what has changed for 2022 as it pertains to the FLSA and some other laws administered [...]

20 05, 2022

Must employees be paid while they wait for slow computers?

May 20th, 2022|compensation, Timekeeping|

Technological setbacks can try anyone's patience--whether it's waiting for your computer to boot up, software to load, or upgrades to finish. Recently, questions about whether nonexempt employees must be paid for this type of waiting time have reached the courts. Here are the details from two cases: In Peterson v. Nelnet Diversified Solutions, LLC, the [...]

12 05, 2022

Sign-on bonuses may need to be included in OT calculations

May 12th, 2022|compensation, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Overtime|

Home health company owed $25K after DOL investigation Getting employees in the door with sign-on bonuses can help a company through a hiring crunch, but a new employee's bonus may need to be included in the regular rate of pay for overtime purposes. In fact, the Department of Labor (DOL) has been checking for compliance [...]

6 05, 2022

Employee’s last day: how much pay should be included in final check?

May 6th, 2022|compensation, Timekeeping|

Termination pay is riddled with potential problems, as a recent federal district court case shows. In Garcia v. Wal-Mart, an employee clocked in for work and a few minutes later was called into a meeting with his supervisor, where he learned of his termination. He then left the premises, and his co-worker clocked him out [...]

29 04, 2022

How Under-the-Table Pay Hurts Both Employer and Employee

April 29th, 2022|compensation, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), hiring, Recordkeeping|

For the most concise and clear explanation of how under-the-table pay hurts both employer and employee and six fixes, check out this article:

20 04, 2022

Interviewing new workers? 4 types of questions you should be asking

April 20th, 2022|hiring|

Since the Great Resignation is still in full swing, it's key to get the right employees in the door to fill any job openings. To better wade through the sea of applicants and increase your chances of successfully onboarding and retaining new people, you need to start off on the right foot during the interview [...]

15 04, 2022

Looking for the best wording for employee notifications?

April 15th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Federal, state, or local laws might require you to send notices to employees regarding their pay. Or, you might voluntarily decide to beef up communications. Before you spend time searching for just the right words, find out whether the government entity has already done the work for you. For example, in Notice 2021-53, the IRS [...]

7 04, 2022

Is that job-seeker telling the truth? 3 in 10 people have lied on resumes

April 7th, 2022|hiring|

Applicants exaggerate their experience, credentials, and more According to a recent survey, 32% of Americans admit to fibbing on their resumes to make themselves look more appealing to potential employers. What are the top reasons for lies on job-hunters' resumes? Here are the responses to the survey: to improve my chances of getting hired [...]

25 03, 2022

Country club penalized for not including commissions in OT calculations

March 25th, 2022|compensation, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Overtime|

Belle Meade Country Club in Nashville TN violated the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and had to pay 12 workers $93,750 in back overtime wages and damages. Employees--who provided lessons, merchandise sales, and equipment services to members and guests of the Club--didn't receive the proper overtime pay because commissions were not included [...]

17 03, 2022

Is remote work included in employee handbook?

March 17th, 2022|Remote work|

If remote work, or in some cases a mix of on-site and remote work, is here to stay at your company, take a look at your employee handbook. (If you don't have an employee handbook, you can create one in minutes with our HR product.) In 2020, the quick pivot to work-from-home arrangements left little [...]