
22 10, 2019

Employee’s Social Security Number (SSN)

October 22nd, 2019|Uncategorized|

 You are required to get each employee's name and Social Security Number (SSN) and to enter them on Form W-2. (This requirement also applies to resident and nonresident alien employees.) You should ask your employee to show you his or her social security card. The employee may show the card if it is available. You [...]

18 10, 2019

Employment law enforcement: How Payroll’s being impacted by changes

October 18th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Employment law enforcement: How Payroll’s being impacted by changes Federal, State and Local Updates to Laws Affecting Companies If you’re concerned that the latest regs from the Dept. of Labor (DOL) will have a significant impact on your responsibilities and your company’s bottom line, you aren’t alone. Many Payroll pros are in the same boat, [...]

18 10, 2019

Who’s responsible for taxes in this tricky situation?

October 18th, 2019|W-2s|

Who’s responsible for taxes in this tricky situation? The IRS just clarified who’s responsible for filing and issuing Forms W-2 when both an employer and an authorized agent pay workers during the same calendar year. Per a recent memo, the agency said both entities must file the forms for the portion of the year they [...]

10 10, 2019

Vague wage statements cost large employer big bucks: Lessons learned

October 10th, 2019|Recordkeeping|

Vague wage statements cost large employer big bucks: Lessons learned Critical info Walmart didn’t include on workers’ paystubs Employee wage statements should be as clear and informative as possible to prevent legal trouble, as shown by the outcome of a recent court case in California. In Magadia v Wal-Mart Associates Inc., a former employee sued [...]

10 10, 2019

New bill expands retirement option: Key takeaways

October 10th, 2019|Uncategorized|

New bill expands retirement option: Key takeaways There may be more employees eligible to participate in your 401(k) plan – and they may be able to contribute higher amounts – if a new bill becomes law. Under the Setting Every Community UP for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019, employers would have more options when [...]

27 09, 2019

Uniforms cause $16K minimum wage violation:

September 27th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Uniforms cause $16K minimum wage violation: Avoid deduction trouble Restaurant breaks the law with its repayment policy Employers often provide workers with uniforms, but if they’re paid for through pay deductions, it’s important to make sure employees still receive the minimum wage. Otherwise, it’s only a matter of time before the Dept. of Labor (DOL) [...]

18 09, 2019

Medical exams and drug test: Not paying workers cost company $200K

September 18th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Medical exams and drug test: Not paying workers cost company $200K Repeat offender didn’t track compensable time correctly Many employers require employees to have physical exams, drug tests or other procedures before reporting to work. This time is typically compensable, especially if tests are done during normal work hours. Companies that don’t reimburse workers for [...]

18 09, 2019

Time to start reporting EEOC pay data! Next steps for Payroll

September 18th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Time to start reporting EEOC pay data! Next steps for Payroll You’ll need earnings from Box 1 of Forms W-2 Summer might normally be a quieter season in Payroll. But not this year, due to new reporting responsibilities. In preparation for Component 2 of the EEO-1 Report, the EEOC online portal was ready to accept [...]

18 09, 2019

Meal Breaks and compensable time: Company owed $915K for pay errors

September 18th, 2019|Recordkeeping, Timekeeping|

Meal Breaks and compensable time: Company owed $915K for pay errors Employees weren’t paid for hours actually worked It’s critical that workers who are entitled to meal breaks are given the chance to take them free of duty. If they somehow end up working through a bona fide meal period and aren’t paid correctly for [...]

29 08, 2019

What to watch for on nonimmigrant’s I-9 paperwork

August 29th, 2019|Form I-9|

What to watch for on nonimmigrant’s I-9 paperwork Heads up! Be sure you’re taking an extra-close look at workers’ Form I-9 documentation. In a recent release, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) warned employers to watch for issues with work eligibility for certain types of nonimmigrants. Nonimmigrants can be eligible to work in this country [...]