
24 05, 2017

Tips for Keeping Your Company Data Secure

May 24th, 2017|Hacking, Recordkeeping, Scammers|

Small businesses are a popular target of cyber criminals. Thousands of attacks happen every day, successful ones can cost organizations hundreds of thousands of dollars, and over half of small businesses soon close following a successful cyberattack. Fortunately, there are effective measures you can take to prevent hackers, scammers, and other ne’er-do-wells from compromising your [...]

18 05, 2017

Court case is good Payroll reminder: Are employees’ addresses correct?

May 18th, 2017|New hire, Recordkeeping|

Court says how info is acquired can determine accountability   It’s time of year again: Some Payroll pros are getting peppered with returned W-2s that are marked undeliverable.   That’s despite all of your hard work in making sure you got the correct address the first time around.   And all those W-2s that are [...]

4 05, 2017

We here at Payplus believe In being pet friendly how about your company

May 4th, 2017|Uncategorized|

  As organizations look to provide perks that will attract and retain key talent, many are coming to realize that offering pet-friendly benefits—whether that means take-your-dog-to-work days, pet insurance or animal-related volunteer excursions—can be an effective tool for improving recruitment, morale and even wellness. “Dogs have become a bigger part of everyone’s life, especially as [...]

13 04, 2017

The latest on DOL’s stalled overtime rule revisions

April 13th, 2017|Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Overtime, Timekeeping|

  The hits keep coming for the Dept. of Labor’s (DOL) overtime rule changes – and that means it’ll stay business as usual in Payroll, at least for few more months.   The Dept. Of Justice has requested to have until May 1, 2017, to both review an appeal of the rule change and give [...]

30 03, 2017

Is that absence FMLA-related? What the courts are saying now

March 30th, 2017|FMLA, Recordkeeping|

2 Cases on the importance of recordkeeping   When possible Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave is in the picture, you need to double sure you’re tracking absences correctly – as two companies recently learned the hard way in court.   Even if you think you have everything correct, employees may sue if they [...]

9 03, 2017

2017 could hold big changes for Payroll: What’s IRS planning now?

March 9th, 2017|2017 Tax Changes, W2 Requirements|

  Advisory council has long list of payroll-focused suggestions   Between state and federal regulations, you already have enough on your plate.   But if you aren’t vigilant, you’re likely to miss a slew of new rules.   That’s thanks to the Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC), which recently released its latest list of [...]

2 03, 2017

Get ready: New FLSA requirements might pull Payroll into court

March 2nd, 2017|Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)|

This state wants payroll involved in mediation processes   In Payroll, you never know when your records will end up under a microscope.   But it’s a possibility that some states may soon make that much more likely to happen.   Take New York, for instance, where a federal court in the Southern District (SDNY) [...]

1 02, 2017

New I-9 Forms

February 1st, 2017|Form I-9|

The new I-9 form was released November 14. It may now be used, although the old form will remain valid through January 21, 2017. After that date, you must use the new form. We recommend you train all employees who are responsible for completing the I-9 and start to use it for new hires as [...]

5 01, 2017

Minimum Wage is going up

January 5th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Effective January 1, 2017, the minimum wage will be $11.00 The minimum wage law applies to all employees except those being rehabilitated or trained in charitable, educational, or religious institutions; members of religious orders; agricultural, floricultural and horticultural workers; those in professional service; and outside salespersons not reporting to or visiting their office daily. For [...]

22 12, 2016

2017 IRS dollar limits: What’s new, what’s the same

December 22nd, 2016|2017 Tax Changes|

The IRS has released some 2017 dollar amounts hat you’ll need for your payroll system. The maximum amount an employee can contribute to a flexible spending account is $2,600, up from $2,550 in 2016. The income exclusion for adoption assistance is $13,570, increasing from $13,460. Phase out starts when an employee’s adjusted gross income exceeds [...]