
30 03, 2017

Is that absence FMLA-related? What the courts are saying now

March 30th, 2017|FMLA, Recordkeeping|

2 Cases on the importance of recordkeeping   When possible Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave is in the picture, you need to double sure you’re tracking absences correctly – as two companies recently learned the hard way in court.   Even if you think you have everything correct, employees may sue if they [...]

9 03, 2017

2017 could hold big changes for Payroll: What’s IRS planning now?

March 9th, 2017|2017 Tax Changes, W2 Requirements|

  Advisory council has long list of payroll-focused suggestions   Between state and federal regulations, you already have enough on your plate.   But if you aren’t vigilant, you’re likely to miss a slew of new rules.   That’s thanks to the Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC), which recently released its latest list of [...]

2 03, 2017

Get ready: New FLSA requirements might pull Payroll into court

March 2nd, 2017|Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)|

This state wants payroll involved in mediation processes   In Payroll, you never know when your records will end up under a microscope.   But it’s a possibility that some states may soon make that much more likely to happen.   Take New York, for instance, where a federal court in the Southern District (SDNY) [...]

1 02, 2017

New I-9 Forms

February 1st, 2017|Form I-9|

The new I-9 form was released November 14. It may now be used, although the old form will remain valid through January 21, 2017. After that date, you must use the new form. We recommend you train all employees who are responsible for completing the I-9 and start to use it for new hires as [...]

5 01, 2017

Minimum Wage is going up

January 5th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Effective January 1, 2017, the minimum wage will be $11.00 The minimum wage law applies to all employees except those being rehabilitated or trained in charitable, educational, or religious institutions; members of religious orders; agricultural, floricultural and horticultural workers; those in professional service; and outside salespersons not reporting to or visiting their office daily. For [...]

22 12, 2016

2017 IRS dollar limits: What’s new, what’s the same

December 22nd, 2016|2017 Tax Changes|

The IRS has released some 2017 dollar amounts hat you’ll need for your payroll system. The maximum amount an employee can contribute to a flexible spending account is $2,600, up from $2,550 in 2016. The income exclusion for adoption assistance is $13,570, increasing from $13,460. Phase out starts when an employee’s adjusted gross income exceeds [...]

8 12, 2016

Higher taxable wage base, other big 2017 changes

December 8th, 2016|2017 Tax Changes, Form I-9, Social Security Limits, W2 Requirements|

This year-end will be one of the most hectic The Social Security taxable wage base is about to make one of its biggest jumps – ever. Add to that the many other changes already piled on for this year-end, and you wonder how you’re going to keep your head above water. Here’s the latest: The [...]

22 11, 2016

Year-end alert: Your checklist for now to the finish line

November 22nd, 2016|Uncategorized|

Changes include earlier deadline for W-2, Copy A This year-end, you have more to do and less time to do it in. As you review this checklist of key Payroll deadlines, take note of which ones are new and which ones will hit you earlier than ever before: As of Dec. 1 2016, your company [...]

22 11, 2016

2017 Form 941: IRS planning to add new lines

November 22nd, 2016|Uncategorized|

  When the IRS releases Form 941 for 2017, you’ll notice a couple extra lines. That’s because the IRS is creating a new tax credit for 2017 – and the agency recently released a new draft of the form. The new credit is set to go on Line 11 as “Qualified small business payroll tax [...]

22 11, 2016

Employees should have been paid OT

November 22nd, 2016|Uncategorized|

Employees who worked at multiple job sites should have been paid OT Hours would have added up to over 40 in a workweek For the purposes of calculating overtime, the Dept. of Labor doesn’t care where employees work – just who they’re working for. And that can lead to a lot of confusion for multisite [...]