
9 09, 2022

Aspiring entrepreneurs learn the basics of setting up a business

September 9th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Aspiring entrepreneurs: learn the basics of setting up a business IRS Tax Tip 2022-128, August 22, 2022 New entrepreneurs can start out on the right foot by making sure they understand the tax responsibilities of running a business. The process can seem daunting, but has resources to help new business owners. Here are a [...]

29 08, 2022

“I was scared they would fire me.” Worker says she was scheduled to work 7-hour shift with no break

August 29th, 2022|Department of Labor, labor regulations, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)|

A worker claims she was scheduled to work a 7-hour shift with no break: The article doesn't mention what state this employee works in so whether the employer broke the law is unclear. While the FLSA does not mandate a work break, state laws often do. New Hampshire and Massachusetts limit the number of [...]

18 08, 2022

Company fails to do background check, liable for $7 billion in damages

August 18th, 2022|hiring|

A cable company in Texas was ordered to pay more than $7 billion in damages to the family of an 83-year-old woman murdered by an employee, an installer, who was not on duty at the time. The cable company was found to be grossly negligent because during the hiring process it ignored several red flags [...]

8 08, 2022

Do you know the laws for paying final wages to workers who resign or are fired?

August 8th, 2022|compensation|

If you terminate an employee, or if an employee quits, do you know the laws regarding their final pay? These laws, which vary by state, cover: When workers must be paid. This can depend on whether the separation from employment is voluntary or involuntary, final or temporary, and sometimes even the type or work or [...]

29 07, 2022

Mobile app for on-the-go timekeeping

July 29th, 2022|Timekeeping|

We offer a wide assortment of timekeeping solutions: time clocks, web clocks, biometric clocks, voice clocks, and more. But the solution that has our clients buzzing with enthusiasm is our mobile app for Apple and Android users, for companies who track time with TimeWorksPlus. The TimeWorks Plus Mobile app lets employees report hours on-the-go from [...]

20 07, 2022

IRS increases mileage rate effective 7/1/2022

July 20th, 2022|reimbursement|

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced that its optional standard mileage rate will increase to 62.5 cents per mile driven for business purposes. The increase takes effect on July 1, 2022.  Use of this rate is optional, though it is widely used by employers as a standard rate for calculating mileage reimbursement for [...]

15 07, 2022

What people new to the workforce need to know about income tax withhold

July 15th, 2022|W-4s|

For many new grads and other people entering the workforce for the first time, filling out new hire paperwork can be confusing—what’s a W-4, anyway? New employees should ensure they understand their tax situation and do some planning now, so they’re in good shape at tax time next year. It’s important to know the correct amount of [...]

6 07, 2022

Must you pay for pre- and post-shift work?

July 6th, 2022|compensation, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Overtime, Recordkeeping|

The Department of Labor (DOL) assessed Area Wide Protection Inc., dba Roadtek Traffic Solutions LLC, $112,187 in back wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages to 297 employees based in Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. The employees had to report to the office to complete tasks before and after their shifts. Tasks included flagging, [...]

22 06, 2022

Can you pay employees with cryptocurrency?

June 22nd, 2022|compensation, Department of Labor, labor regulations, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)|

In a word, no. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations state that wages must be paid in cash or its equivalent. Employers may pay bonuses in crypto, but FLSA regulations do not permit base wages to be paid in virtual currency (crypto), such as Bitcoin. Payments for work are considered "wages" for employment tax [...]

10 06, 2022

Can you count FMLA leave under your no-fault attendance policy?

June 10th, 2022|FMLA|

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently clarified how attendance policies can lead to violations of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). No-fault attendance policies give employees points for every absence instead of distinguishing among reasons for leave. For example, a father who misses three days of work to care for his young daughter in [...]