
27 06, 2019

Record retention for Payroll: What’s required under federal, state regs

June 27th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Record retention for Payroll: What’s required under federal, state regs Company disposed of workers’ old timecards too quickly Recordkeeping guidelines are just as important to the Dept. of Labor (DOL) as other wage and hour rules, especially when looking at timecards and other payroll records. If employers don’t keep accurate records of hours worked for [...]

19 06, 2019

UPDATE: Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave Payroll Deductions DELAYED 3 Months Until October 1

June 19th, 2019|Uncategorized|

This week, the Massachusetts Legislature and the Baker-Polito Administration enacted legislation to delay the start of employer and employee contributions to the Paid Family and Medical Leave program (PFML) by three months to October 1, 2019. This delay will allow employers across the Commonwealth more time to prepare their organizations and workforces for PFML. Please [...]

13 06, 2019

Company required employees to volunteer, owes $59K in back wages

June 13th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Company required employees to volunteer, owes $59K in back wages Why charitable work turned into compensable time Some companies may encourage workers to volunteer their time to charitable causes. But when volunteering becomes mandatory, it can cause issues if workers aren’t paid. One employer wasn’t compliant with the law’s guidelines on volunteering, and it paid [...]

23 05, 2019

Social Security Card changes & other news from SSA: vital info for payroll

May 23rd, 2019|W-2s|

Social Security Card changes & other news from SSA: vital info for payroll Details on New form of ID & Employee mismatch errors Social Security cards have been a mainstay in employee verification. But that may change down the line, according to representatives from the SSA at the 2019 American Payroll Association Capital Summit. The [...]

23 05, 2019

IRS: Latest info on when free meals provided to employees are taxable

May 23rd, 2019|Uncategorized|

IRS: Latest info on when free meals provided to employees are taxable New Memo answers common questions about on-site food The IRS just released some helpful guidance on a confusing scenario: whether to count free meals given to employees as taxable income. According to a new Technical Advice Memorandum (TAM), meals provided by employers are [...]

23 05, 2019

New DOL guidelines for regular rate:

May 23rd, 2019|Uncategorized|

New DOL guidelines for regular rate: What Payroll must know Update to procedures for what to exclude Right on the heels of the new overtime threshold comes news that the Dept. of Labor (DOL) is updating the regs in the Fair Labor Standards Act that control the regular rage of pay --- for the first [...]

26 04, 2019

IRS: Latest info on when free meals provided to employees are taxable

April 26th, 2019|Uncategorized|

IRS: Latest info on when free meals provided to employees are taxable New Memo answers common questions about on-site food The IRS just released some helpful guidance on a confusing scenario: whether to count free meals given to employees as taxable income. According to a new Technical Advice Memorandum (TAM), meals provided by employers are [...]

24 04, 2019

1 mistake when calculating workers’ OT meant employer owed $1.7M

April 24th, 2019|Uncategorized|

1 mistake when calculating workers’ OT meant employer owed $1.7M Company didn’t include piecework in calculation Even companies that try to do everything right can make big, expensive errors when calculating workers’ regular rate of pay. After a Dept. Of Labor (DOL) investigation, a North Dakota company serving the oil and gas industry must pay [...]

24 04, 2019

DOL releases new overtime threshold:

April 24th, 2019|Overtime|

DOL releases new overtime threshold: Key info for payroll Ready to jump from $23,660 to 35,305 per year? Finally! After several delays, the Dept. of Labor (DOL) has announced a proposed OT threshold. In a new Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the DOL set an updated standard salary level to determine who must be paid overtime. [...]

21 03, 2019

Electronic child support payments: Rules for states that require them

March 21st, 2019|Uncategorized|

Electronic child support payments: Rules for states that require them Keys for compliance with withholding orders More and more states are requiring employers to electronically send child support payments. Right now, according to the Office of Child Support Enforcement 16 states have this rule in place. Requirements to meet: Here’s a rundown of which type [...]